Because Love is Universal – Lukas Sauer Ties The Knots
Title: DARKOH – Style Meets Love: A Statement Beyond Fashion
About twelve months ago, actor Lukas Sauer came to me with a special request: he asked if I could design the suits for his wedding. Even then, it was clear to me that this assignment would be something special. This was not only due to the personal relationship I had built with Lukas over the years, as he often wore my suits to events. More so, it’s the philosophy of my suit label DARKOH, founded over a decade ago, that he embodies: one’s own personality is expressed and turned into a personal brand.
Weddings are special occasions where the heart plays a big role. When you’ve known part of the couple for many years, it becomes a personal matter of the heart. Therefore, I didn’t have to think long when Lukas asked me.
Lukas and his partner wanted a matching look that symbolized their connection, without, however, appearing too uniform. Their goal was to give each suit an individual touch, instead of just looking identical.
Although Lukas often appears on the red carpet in bold colors, I chose more natural tones due to the planned outdoor wedding. For Lukas, the more lively personality of the two, I selected a warm olive tone that harmoniously matched the sandy fabric of Henrik’s suit. Both suits shared the feature of a modern single-breasted style with slim lapels and a slim fit.
As an additional highlight, I added a vest for each of them. It’s perfect for summer weddings, as you can take off the jacket and still be stylishly dressed.
The suits received surprising recognition with a feature in BUNTE. It was not only an honor but also an important message being announced there: “Yes, love is universal!” And beautiful.
The wedding of Lukas and his partner reminded me why I chose this passion and why my love for suits is unshakable. DARKOH stands for more than just exquisite suits. Each piece of clothing I design tells a story.
I see suits not only as pieces of clothing but as a stylistic instrument that highlights a man’s personality and values. They are a way to “pimp” one’s best side and let one’s individuality shine.